Mokume Gane (pronounced Moe-koo-may Gah-nay) literally translates to wood grained metal and refers to an ancient Japanese style of metal work that involves creating a laminate of multiple metals and then patterning the laminate to reveal the different metals at the surface.  In the rings below, you can see the swirling patterns of the intertwined white gold, rose gold, yellow gold and silver contained in the metal.

Mokume can be created using many different combinations of precious metals.  (Certain combinations should be avoided for jewelry that will rest against the wearer's skin.  Click here for more information.)  Below is another example using the combination of white gold and silver.

The process for creating mokume is a fascinating one.  Between 10 and 20 layers of different metals are placed together in a stack.  This stack is then heated under pressure for many hours allowing the layers to fuse to one another creating one, multi-layered block of metal.  This is then heated, pressed and hammered flat into workable stock or sheet.  The mokume is patterned by cutting, drilling, hammering and other methods of revealing more and more layers of the different metals beneath the surface.  As the mokume is patterned, it is further flattened or twisted to bring all of the exposed layers of metal to the surface.  This flattening and smoothing is what creates the final effect of different precious metals combined together in a pattern on the surface of the mokume jewelry.  Depending on the desired end result, the patterned metal may be rolled into wire, raised into vessels or containers, or pressed or hammered into any number of other shapes of pieces such as pendants, rings or bracelets.

Gretchen makes all of her own mokume for the pieces you will find on her website.  All her pieces are custom and can be made with many different combinations of precious metals in the mokume.  If you are interested in commissioning a piece from Gretchen or simply would like more information about her work or mokume gane, please contact her at